How to plan a digital marketing campaign?

In order to make any digital marketing campaign successful, there are several tools that you need to keep handy, here, we list some of them.

Hoot Suite- This app helps the organizations to formulate effective social media marketing strategies so that they are able to forge relationships with the clients. This helps you t manage all the social media accounts under a single roof, which saves considerable time. The free version of this app helps the user to connect and manage more than 3 social media profiles and comes with a 30 day trial period. It is an excellent tool for SEO analysis. It is a necessary tool for the startups in this digital age.

Similar Web

It is an online digital marketing intelligence tool that provides an insight on traffic and other marketing related information. Within a single click, the users can have an overview of the site and see the statistics related to the user engagement too. By entering specific website URL, or doing a category search, the users will get information of the top 50 websites. This tool will display the category rank and audience breakdown. It also offers its users a rich dashboard with a wealth of information. While in the free version, you can compare two websites but in Pro version you can compare 5 websites. This will help the company to formulate effective digital marketing service strategy that is in sync with the digital marketing campaign.


It is a full- fledged email marketing service that helps you to schedule the emails with ease. You can even create a boomerang effect where you can want to send follow up reminders to the client. Boomerang not only helps you to monitor email campaigns but also allow you to integrate it with social media account. It comes in a variety of support options. It is a highly recommended tool for email marketing, irrespective of the user experience in the field of digital marketing.


It is a free web analytics tool that helps to get in detail about competitors keywords and let you to formulate your own. Most of the digital marketers feel that SEMrush is one of the effective tools to analyze the competitor traffic, check their backlinks and find if there is any website related issues or not. SEMrush has more than 120 million keywords and 39 million in their database, so it is a perfect place to start with keyword research.


It is another powerful digital marketing tool that has been designed for the webmasters to analyze and study web traffic. It is a free and comprehensive mobile analytics tool that enables the web developers, analysts and digital marketers to optimize the usability and conversion rate of the websites. It is an effective feedback and analytic tool that gives users an understanding of visitors interact with the website and how to delight the visitor experience and what can one do to delight the customers.

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